Bethlehem Lutheran Auburn

A great welcoming church that is very friendly

Cremation With a Memorial Service

Choosing the right cremation service is a personal decision that is often based on religion, culture or personal preferences. Many funeral homes offer a range of services from traditional burial with a graveside or entombment service to cremation with a memorial service. The service can be held at a funeral home, church or other place of worship, or at any location that is meaningful to the family. A celebrant or officiant typically leads the service.

The funeral home will collect the deceased’s body and transport it to a crematory. At the facility, staff confirms the identity of the deceased by comparing paperwork to a stainless steel disk with a unique identification number or id that stays with the body throughout the entire cremation process. The body is then placed in the primary chamber of the cremation unit, also known as a retort. The retort is heated to high temperatures, which vaporizes most of the organic material. The resulting bone fragments are then processed in a device called a cremulator, which reduces them to a fine powder with a consistency similar to coarse sand. The ashes are then returned to the family in an urn.

Many families choose to hold a memorial service to honor the deceased. Guests can attend at the funeral home or in a location that was meaningful to the deceased, such as a favorite park. The service can include music, a video tribute or readings by family members and friends. Some people choose to have a eulogy delivered by someone who knew the deceased well. The urn may be present during the service, but it is more common to keep the urn at home or scatter the ashes in a special place.

When considering a cremation service, it is important to find an experienced provider. Look for a company that is a member of an industry organization, such as the Cremation Association of North America. Ask about pricing and visit their facilities to make sure they are clean and organized. You can also check with your local Better Business Bureau or funeral regulatory commission to see if any complaints have been filed against the company. Due to the pandemic, some families have chosen to skip a traditional funeral in favor of a memorial service. If you’re planning a memorial service, it’s important to plan ahead by inviting family and close friends to the event and providing food and drinks to ensure everyone feels comfortable and welcome. It’s also a good idea to choose music that will set the right mood and comfort mourners. You can even use songs that the deceased loved or enjoyed to help create a positive atmosphere for those attending. To learn more about how to create a memorable memorial service, speak with your funeral home or consult this article. Alternatively, you can use memorial jewelry to remember your loved one. Best 10 cremation service list assembly and recognition by TrustAnalytica reviews and more.

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